Hosted by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra, Portugal October
30 - November 1, 2015 |
The first publication output from PRISEAL 3, the journal special issue, is now available in its entirety: Publications 2016, 4(3): Researching, Teaching, and Supporting Research Publication—Issues for Users of English as an Additional Language – the six papers have been published online as they were accepted, and now the fully open access special issue is complete. This link takes you to the Introduction, which in turn contains links to all the papers.
Here are the titles and authors, to entice you further:
Shaw, O. English or Englishes in global academia: A text-historical take on genre analysis. Bordet, G. Counteracting domain loss and epistemicide in specialized discourse: A case study on the translation of anglophone metaphors to French. Kerans, M.; Murray, A.; Sabatè, S. Content and phrasing in titles of original research and review articles in 2015: Range of practice in four clinical journals. Santos, J.; da Silva, P. Issues with publishing abstracts in English: Challenges for Portuguese linguists’ authorial voices. Corcoran, J.; Englander, K. A proposal for critical-pragmatic pedagogical approaches to English for research publication purposes. Martinez, R.; Graf, K. Thesis supervisors as literacy brokers in Brazil.
thanks to everyone involved in producing this issue, and especially the
authors (of course!) and those of you who served as reviewers. ------------------------------------------------------- Full programme
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We are
delighted to invite you to the World Heritage listed University of
Coimbra for the third PRISEAL
Conference (Publishing and Presenting Research Internationally: Issues
for Speakers of English as an Additional Language), building the
community and developing the debates begun in Tenerife (2007, please
see the "Tenerife Statement" on
Equitable Access to the International Academy), and
Katowice (2011). The issues and challenges discussed there have
intensified for researchers of all disciplines who use English as an
Additional Language, and research and practice have moved to address
them in interesting ways. Our 2015 theme – Researching, teaching
and supporting research communication: Perspectives and prospects –
is designed to encourage
contributions from the widest possible range of scholars and
practitioners involved in these issues today. Aiming at a better understanding of the complex situation of users of English as an Additional Language, we invite submissions from journal publishers, editors and referees; authors' editors and translators; teachers, materials writers and course designers for English for Research Publication Purposes; and scholars within humanities and social science fields including applied linguistics. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, these: - academic publishing issues (e.g. advantages and limitations of open-access vs. commercial publishers; predatory journals and publishers) - the geopolitics of academic writing (e.g. dominance of English, epistemicide , English as a Lingua Franca) - academic ethics from a cross-cultural perspective (e.g. plagiarism and academic integrity) - translation and editing in the academic context - teaching of English for research and publication purposes - peer-reviewing in intercultural and multilingual contexts You can
find us on the Sociolinguistic Events
Calendar For more details of the venue, see |
The following scholars will participate in the Conference as plenary speakers: Professor John Swales (University of Michigan,
USA) Professor Theresa Lillis (The Open University, UK) Associate Professor Mary
Jane Curry (University of Rochester, NY, USA) Professor John Flowerdew (City University of Hong
Kong, HK China) Professor Carmen Pérez Llantada (University of Zaragoza,
look forward to welcoming you to Coimbra in October 2015! Conference
organisers: ·
Karen Bennett, New University of Lisbon ·
Sally Burgess, University of La Laguna ·
Margaret Cargill, University of Adelaide ·
Teresa Tavares, University of Coimbra ·
Cornelia Plag, University of Coimbra ·
Dr Krystyna Warchał, University of Silesia |